Campus at Koramangala & Banashankari , Bangalore, Karnataka

Rules & regulations

  • We take pride in having a highly disciplined student community, who miss classes only if the circumstances force them to keep away from the college. It is very rare that a student comes late to the college. The attendance levels generally range between 96% – 98%. We expect to maintain the same trend. The code of conduct is elaborated in the succeeding paragraphs.

  • All students shall exchange greetings with all the members of the faculty and among themselves.

  • Students found in an intoxicated state inside or outside the campus are liable to be punished.

  • Students are liable to pay fine towards breakage in the laboratories and workshop. They are liable to be punished for any damages done to the college property.

  • Students are forbidden to deface the walls, the furniture and other property of the college. Violation constitutes punishable offence.

  • Examination fee may also be adjusted if the students make application sufficiently in advance before the fee is deposited to the university.

  • Students are expected to have their meals in the area prescribed for the purpose and NOT inside the classrooms. Having meals inside the classrooms, littering classrooms with chocolate / candy wrappers and other papers is an offence.

  • The original certificates deposited by the students at the time of admission would be retuned only at the time of the issue of transfer certificate on production of clearance certificate from all the departments.

  • Code of conduct in addition to decorum and norms of a cultured society are the basis of governance of an educational institution. Students are expected to co-operate and maintain peace to enable the authorities to help them achieve their goals.

  • All students are expected to conduct themselves in an exemplary manner in and outside the campus.

  • Smoking and drinking are strictly prohibited inside the campus. Even the possession of alcoholic drinks or narcotic drugs is a punishable offence.

  • Organizing and/or attending meetings in the campus without prior permission of the Principal is a cognizable offence. Even maintaining contacts with unlawful organizations and the outlaws is a cognizable offence.

  • Students are advised to pay their tuition fees, examination fees and other dues on due date. Late payment of fees entails payment with late fee at the rate of Rs 50/- per day. In addition, students run the risk of getting their names removed from the rolls entailing additional expenditure of re-admission.

  • The tuition fees once paid is NOT REFUNDABLE. Caution deposit will, however be refunded at the time of issuing the transfer certificate, provided all dues have been cleared.

  • Speed limit for all vehicles inside the campus is 10 kmph. Students exceeding the same may be apprehended. They are also advised to park their vehicles in an orderly manner in the parking area only.

  • The college notice board would display all notices concerning students as and when required. Failure to read notices would not be taken as an excuse for failing to comply with the instructions contained therein.

  • The principal and the hostel warden have the authority to frame such rules as necessary for the progress of the academic activity and regulating the conduct of the students.

attendance & leave

  • We insist in 100% attendance for theory and practical classes. Absenting from college, coming late to the college and bunking classes are considered as punishable offences. Students should refrain from seeking leave on account of illness like cough and cold, slight fever due to change of weather, etc. Parents are requested to encourage students to attend 100% classes. Seeking leave on flimsy grounds is viewed in bad light. Students absenting for more than three consecutive days without prior permission are imposed with heavy penalties and the parents are informed. The names of the students absenting for more than 15 days without justifiable reason and prior permission are removed from the rolls of the college. They may, however, seek re-admission, if authorities are adequately convinced of the causes of absence.
  • Students seeking leave of absence in excess of 2 days shall have their parents present himself/herself in-person to convince the Principal of the genuineness of the reasons of leave. This shall of course be followed by a letter duly signed. Students securing less than 80% attendance are debarred from appearing for the University Examination.
  • In case of students residing in faraway places, a telephone call by one of the parents is essential to grant leave of absence. This shall, of course, be followed by a letter duly signed by either of the parents

identity card

  • Every student is issued an ID-Card within first two weeks of his/her joining the college. Till a permanent ID-Card is issued, he/she shall carry their fee receipt.
  • Loss of ID-Card is an offence and each student must report the same immediately. They will be issued with a temporary ID-Card till a permanent card is issued on payment of Rs.50/-.
  • The students are expected to have the ID-Card at all times, Thus it helps them to establish their identity. Students not in possession of ID-Card are liable to be fined.
  • A student is not permitted to appear in an examination without the possession of ID Card.

class tests & model examination

Unlike the education upto Higher Secondary level, the professional college education impresses upon continuous learning process. Three Class Tests, one -model Theory & Model Practical Examinations are held during each semester before the students go for the University Examination. Results are communicated to the parents within 7 days of holding the test to keep them updated with the progress of their ward. Attendance in the tests is compulsory except under exceptional circumstances with the prior permission of the Principal. Those who absent themselves without permission are awarded zero and are not allowed another opportunity.

This is a step by step system of examination to test the students after completing a portion of the syllabus and finally prepare him well for the ultimate university examinations.